The project Monologo was born from the collaboration between the artist, an artificial neural network and the Marionette Company Carlo Colla & Figli, one of the oldest and most famous figure theatre companies in the world.
For three years the artist has been working on the theme of animation, then on the idea of giving life to objects and practices that imitate the human being (the word imitation is borrowed from the famous "Imitation game" theorized by Alan Turing). In this project, he works on two technologies of animation, one archaic and one contemporary, that are linked to the imitation of the anthropomorphic: the puppet theatre on one side, the artificial intelligence on the other.
The AI, starting from some texts written by the artist in these years, will draw in fact the costumes, the sets of the show and the puppets themselves that will be then made with ancient traditional techniques in the laboratories of the Compagnia Colla, thus combining contemporary technology with a traditional modus operandi.