“The project wants to move away from an anthropocentric understanding of the Red Planet by reframing language as less a tool of communication than a type of shared affect, between past and future, humans and nonhuman kin.”
The project focuses on the hypothesis of a speculative future in which Mars artificially assumes the characteristics of a habitable planet and the need to explore new languages able to imagine alternative futures on the Red Planet, moving away from a mainstream anthropocentric vision. The work, inspired by The Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson, explores three different colonies on Mars, three different ways of approaching the concept of terraforming, an artificial process to make a planet habitable for man, each with a different conception of the future of the red planet and its resources.
Combining the strategies of science-fiction, 3D worldbuilding and the language of artificial intelligence, the artist presents three different conceptions of the future of the planet and who will decide its fate.