Slowly Fading into Data is a speculative audiovisual project expressed in multiple artistic formats created by Albert.DATA that explores issues such as disincarnation, extended cognition, hybrid beings and synthetic identities. The project consists of a retro game, a conceptual music album, an a/v live performance and a short film.
The project aims to investigate the transformation of artistic cognitive practices in virtual environments, where cognition is mediated by digital artifacts, and to push experimentation in the concepts of disincarnation, extended cognition, hybrid beings and synthetic identities. In particular, the project explores the concept of "game space", as an interactive world that offers a field of action to which players must adapt.
Spatial representation within a game space defines the way players can move, the point of view from which to perceive the world and the channels of interaction with it. However, the project questions the possibility for next-generation motorsport technologies to help overcome the boundaries of standard conventions of human perception.